Creative Direction : Nobuaki Nakabayashi(Tone inc.)
Art Direction : Keigo Kamide,Sumie Yasumoto(Tone inc.)
Design : Keigo Kamide,Sumie Yasumoto(Tone inc.)
Copy : Keigo Kamide,Sumie Yasumoto(Tone inc.)
Illustration : Keigo Kamide
Client : 長池製菓
Tsujiura / Packaging Design
We designed the packaging of “Tsujiura” produced by Nagaike Seika in Komatsu City.
Tsujiura is a local sugar confectionary only available in Ishikawa prefecture during the New Year’s holiday. Tsujiura contains a small piece of paper written with fortune-like advisable and sometimes romantic phrases. According to one theory, Tsujiura went overseas to become the basis of the modern-day fortune cookies.
When families and relatives celebrate the New Year’s holiday, they eat Tsujiura, mix up the collected phrases together or use them as Omikuji (Japanese fortune-telling).
On the packaging, a piece of Tsujiura paper with the phrase “Tsujiuraga Nakutewa Naranu (Tsujiura Must Live On)” was designed. The expression reflects two strong emotions: One from the people of Ishikawa who believe Tsujiura as an invaluable New Year’s confection, and another from Nagaike Seika that succeeded the production of Tsujiura. The packaging is half-translucent to display the vibrant, cute colors and shapes of the Tsujiura packaged inside.
In the past, Tsuji (crossroads) and bridges were believed to be boundaries where unknown spirits came and went. People would stand at Tsuji with a Tsuge comb (Tsuge = omens) to seek omens from something other than this world and wish to Doso-shin (traveler’s guardian deity); This folklore is told as an original form of Tsujiura. Therefore, we designed the back with illustrations of the Tsuge comb and Doso-shin.
Creative Direction : Nobuaki Nakabayashi(Tone inc.)
Art Direction : Keigo Kamide,Sumie Yasumoto(Tone inc.)
Design : Keigo Kamide,Sumie Yasumoto(Tone inc.)
Copy : Keigo Kamide,Sumie Yasumoto(Tone inc.)
Illustration : Keigo Kamide
Client : Nagaikesaikadou